I went through a variety of different words and name ideas, but nothing I came across or went through felt right. I wanted the name to be short, but smart. It needed to be fun but also with an emphasis on education.

I tried playing about with different puns, such as “wellnet,” sounding like, “well met,” which is a pleasant greeting. This felt too formal, though. I also tried “eware,” and “dotnet,” but these both sounded too childish to me.





Eventually, I settled on the name SafetyNet.

I feel that it perfectly captures the feeling of the app. It is a pun, so it emphasises fun and quirkiness. It also puts an emphasis on safety, and the internet. It gives the impression that the app is a safe place to land, and that it will catch the user should they fall from a great danger.

Here is a quick AI-generated version of my app’s logo, using my chosen name. I did this because I wanted to just see how it would look in a professional sense, and I really like it.

Screenshot 2024-01-02 at 16.09.45.png