Over the past week or so, I’ve been trying to develop my brand further, as I felt that there was not quite enough there for me to finalise my designs with.

The most important things I wanted to reconsider were the logo and the colour scheme. The logo I have at the minute is fine, but it is quite simple, and I feel I could do better with it now that I have a bit of time before I need to have the final product finished. The colour scheme that I have at the moment is very light, and lacks dimension in a way. It has a range of colours but with no real purpose on what to do with them. I had considered green to be SafetyNet’s defining colour, but I’m not too sure that it reflects what the brand really is or if it’s a strong enough colour to use so heavily.

Initially, I started off my brand’s logo with some sketches, so I went back to that method. Here are some sketches I did to try and re-imagine the SafetyNet logo:


Once I compiled a few sketches, I turned to Figma to bring them to life. I’m pretty happy with how the new logo turned out, as I feel it looks a lot more sleek and professional, while also being true to the product’s brand.

The red dots symbolise getting a notification, while also referring to the shape people that are within the brand.

Old Logo:

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 13.33.45.png

New Logo:

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 13.33.42.png

I also felt that the brand was missing vital illustrations, so I wanted to create a set of illustrations based on the shape people I had initially designed. I could use these illustrations during the onboarding of the app, as well as across different aspects such as the beginning and end of lessons. I decided that I needed three big illustrations altogether: