<aside> 🔗 https://www.figma.com/file/3z7XWeTaIUNXmDPJY2hlYy/SafetyNet?type=design&node-id=160%3A218&mode=design&t=phMoW4uyBgw8c4Pn-1


Above is the link to the final designs of the ‘Flags’ card game for SafetyNet.

This game is an interactive, physical card game that allows users to think about certain case study scenarios and how to respond appropriately to potentially harmful online situations, such as phishing and cyberbullying.

**‘Flags’ Game Rules

Players: 2-10




For my final year show, I will be printing out a series of these cards to show alongside the rest of my product.

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 00.45.23.png
