Final year has finally begun! 👩🏻‍💻 After my amazing year of placement, I am very excited to get started on my own projects this year, as well as prepare myself for the working world after university. I have gained so much experience in UX/UI whilst on placement which I can’t wait to put into practice.

My placement offered so much room to learn. I found myself learning something new every week about the world of design and development processes. From learning how to use and how to build design systems to how to send an important email to clients while remaining professional and informative, I feel I am now very well prepared to enter the world of UX Design with a strong sense of confidence and self-reliability.

Daniel had asked us to come into the IXD Studio this week to go over an induction of final year, and to give us the brief for our projects. There was a nervous energy in the room as everyone sat anxiously waiting to hear what final year had in store for us, but Daniel was able to ease our minds as he gave us a very helpful and stress-free overview of each module, and was able to even show some examples of previous years’ work. I found the induction incredibly helpful, and it elated my excitement for the year to come.

Induction - Notes

<aside> ⏱️ IXD501 Deadline: 5th January 2024


Need to create a sketchbook:

Design deliverables are on Blackboard, with mark bands and pass requirements.

Use this year to try something new, be experimental - take this as a final opportunity to be creative free.