<aside> 🚀 Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/3z7XWeTaIUNXmDPJY2hlYy/SafetyNet?type=design&node-id=201%3A92&mode=design&t=Qn21yDDYFZ15yWbr-1


In order to begin building on my lo-fidelity mock-ups for the app, I wanted to first create a mid-way point between where I’m at and the final product. This will allow my to think more creatively about the pathways and user journeys that I will need to consider when developing the final product, as well as allow me to explain certain designs.

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 21.51.47.png

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 21.51.33.png

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 21.51.26.png

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 21.51.22.png

Post-Design Thoughts of Mid-Fi Screens

At the moment, I am somewhat happy with the overall designs. I think the process is good, and the user usability is well considered, but I am not exactly happy with the overall design. I have taken inspiration from a number of different sources, and have done my best to implement the brand as well as I can into the screens, but something just isn’t working for me - the designs feel too empty.

I had a quick discussion with a few peers about the mid-fi screens, and I gained relatively positive feedback. However, when I asked about the design of the app, and the overall branding and identity, there was an agreement that there wasn’t really an identifiable brand identity within the designs. I had a logo, but not much else, and there were very little colours used. It is only a mid-fidelity mock-up, but I’m not too sure where to take them further from here, so that’s something I’ll have to think about.

I’ll be looking into my branding a bit more this week, to try and dig deeper into ways I could make the brand more prominent across my screens. I might need to do some more illustrative work, and re-consider my chosen colour scheme, as at the moment it was quite light and I want it to be playful and inviting.