For our first week, Daniel had asked us to get into groups for a one-week project. Our task was to choose one of the following Zeitgeist topics and explore a product, service or system that may address the issue, or part of the issue:

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For the initial ideation, we decided to create a board using Miro to seperate each topic into columns, and then each of us added our own ideas within those columns. We would then vote on which idea was the most innovative and useful.

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I wanted to create a broad range of ideas, so I added one to as many topics as I could. Ultimately, we ended up voting for Beth’s idea for an app tailored towards helping homeless people a temporary address where they can receive letters, parcels and important documents.

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We were advised to split up the different stages of the development process between each person in the group, so this is the system we came up with:

For the product’s branding, I created various sections which I would focus on individually, beginning with the brand name.