
During my first tutorial with Daniel after Christmas, we discussed what would be the best way to move forward from this point. We concluded that the app needed more ways to keep users of a younger age engaged, and ways to make the user’s experience more interactive, rather than just lessons and short quizzes. The app needs more digital, effective ways of learning. We discussed ideas such as interactive case studies and scenarios, where users can experience first hand what it would be like to be in potentially harmful or unpleasant scenarios, and what they can do to prevent them/receive help. This could also act as a deterrent for teenagers who might carry out incidents towards other people, such as cyberbullying, as they have experienced first-hand what the recipient would be feeling in that scenario.

I want to investigate into the existing, most effective ways of teaching children. How do you keep teenagers engaged, with attention spans decreasing with every decade?

Teenagers Need Respect

Nazmi Al-Shalabi: How I Keep My Students Engaged

Five Ways to Engage Kids with E-Learning

How to Develop and Engaging Educational App