To begin my user testing stage, I needed to create a working prototype for the app. For this, I used my mid-fi screens, as the designs did not have to be perfect and needed to focus mainly on the usability of the product.

<aside> 🔗 Link to Mid-Fi Prototype:


Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 00.11.57.png

Next, I needed a range of users for which to test the app on. For this part, I just used my friends and family. I don’t have any teenagers in my family, so I tried to keep the userbase as low as possible, with the majority being in their early 20’s.

I can use what I have learned during this usability feedback session to put more work into making the app more user friendly. One of the biggest design flaws that I picked up on during the initial testing stage was how bright the design was, and how a lot of the pages looked the same. I wanted to bring this to my own attention immediately, as this is something that relies on branding to fix. I might need to re-think my branding, or at least how it is distributed across the app.

Here is the feedback from the user testing:

