This week was all about design futures, and considering design far into our futures, or maybe not so far. Say 2050, in about 25 years - how will design be different? How will technological advancements effect design thinking?

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In today’s class, we were tasked with getting into groups and coming up with a concept for a speculative future issue, set in the year 2050. We only had a few hours to do this, so it was a little stressful but quite fun getting everything done in time.

By 3pm, we had to have:



For our concept, we decided to go for the idea of healthcare in 2050, and how advancing technology and AI might affect healthcare systems and methods. We considered different aspects of healthcare and beauty that might be relevant at this time, such as overpopulation, advanced health science knowledge, being able to view dreams, AI integration into everyday lives, and even age reversal.
